Friday, January 14, 2011

New Life In Christ

In Colossians 3:9-10, Paul wrote: "...since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him."
Notice that you have to put off the old man with his deeds and you must put on the new man. This new man has been renewed in the image of Jesus, who created all things (Colossians 1:16). Neither your body nor your lifestyle will automatically change when you become a Christian. You must change them.
The good news is that while you were the "old man" you could not change many things about yourself. However, now that you are a new man, you can put on the things that go with someone who is created in the image Jesus.
When the Bible says "the old man," it means the old lifestyle, the old way of doing things. "The old man" was subject to lying, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy conversation and the like (Colossians 3:8-9). You must "put them off" by no longer doing them. Then you must start doing the things shown in the Word.
"Yeah, but how do I do that?" How do you curse someone out? You open your mouth and words pour out. Only now, you open your mouth and let nice things, good things, friendly things pour out, instead of all that garbage. The "old things" are a matter of habit that must be broken. You will have to work at it. You have a commandment from God to do this and you can do it through Jesus.
You cannot "put off the old man and put on the new" in your own strength. However, you can do all things in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:13). You may not always feel like doing it, but feelings do not count. You cannot go by feelings. We must learn to walk by the Word of God.
Your body and mind will be telling you to do something else. Thoughts will tell you that it is too hard to resist the old habits. But the spirit-man that is the real you will be saying, 'No, this is God's way. This is what I have to do to enjoy the fullness of God.'
Staying in the Word and then acting upon it is what brings about a quality lifestyle in Jesus. A victorious life does not just happen. You must purpose to do the Word.
You may think, "This sounds to me like a whole lot of work." Really, it is not any more work than all of the foolish, non-productive things that you were accustomed to doing before the new birth. The only reason it seems hard is because you are making a change, and human nature rebels against change.
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to curse? All those words I used more than 40 years ago, I could let come out of my mouth again. I have not forgotten them. However, once you re-educate yourself to speak God's words and to do things God's way, spiritual things become easier, and you now have the Holy Spirit to help you.
After a while it will become just as easy to spend time praying and studying the Bible as not to do these things. What is hard is making up your mind to pray and to stay in the Word. Once your mind is made up, once you are committed, the rest is comparatively easy.
The "new man" is God's man - a spiritual man. The new man is a man recreated in the image and likeness of God. The new man searches the Word of God to find the parameters of his new life. The new man puts God's Word into operation through his mind and deeds. Therefore, put off the old man and you too will live a victorious, overcoming life in Jesus!
This devotional was excerpted from Dr. Price's book, "The Victorious, Overcoming Life." 
Scripture Of The Day: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price is the founder and pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center West in Los Angeles and CCC East in Manhattan. To obtain more information about his ministry, please call (800) 927-3436 or visit

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