By Kwaku Gyamfi
I greet you in the invincible name of Jesus Christ. I trust all is well and sound and that the weather of your life is sunny skies with abundant showers of blessings. It is my prayer that we continue to increase and abound in the knowledge and wisdom of our God. May you be filled with the glory of His wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:10) and also that you “may [be] grant[ed] a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you” (Ephesians 1:17-18). It seems I talking a lot about wisdom and knowledge and yes, it’s for a good reason—it’s critical to the subject matter being discussed in this letter. I believe this insight will be to your empowerment; empowering you to believe God for supernatural strength, spiritual ammunition and weapons of mass destruction and also with the physical mobility and ability to come against any opposition in this ungodly and deceptive generation. Maximize therefore this day and bring into fulfillment your God given purpose and potential.
I greet you in the invincible name of Jesus Christ. I trust all is well and sound and that the weather of your life is sunny skies with abundant showers of blessings. It is my prayer that we continue to increase and abound in the knowledge and wisdom of our God. May you be filled with the glory of His wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:10) and also that you “may [be] grant[ed] a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you” (Ephesians 1:17-18). It seems I talking a lot about wisdom and knowledge and yes, it’s for a good reason—it’s critical to the subject matter being discussed in this letter. I believe this insight will be to your empowerment; empowering you to believe God for supernatural strength, spiritual ammunition and weapons of mass destruction and also with the physical mobility and ability to come against any opposition in this ungodly and deceptive generation. Maximize therefore this day and bring into fulfillment your God given purpose and potential.
I want to talk to you about an interesting subject, about living life to the fullest and that focus will be on “dying empty.” You see you were not born just to exist but to affect as well as effect, impact and impart, release and deploy into your generation every gifting seeds God placed within you. Before His death, Jesus (the genos of God) emptied out of Himself everything and every seed given to Him by the Father to be deposited in the earth. The great Apostle Paul said it well when he stated, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race; I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:6-7). Paul uses a metaphor here in this analogy as he imagined himself as water, the substance of life itself. And being poured out meaning he emptied all that was within him so that his contemporary and succeeding generation can benefit from that which God placed in him. I strongly agree with Dr. Myles Munroe (my spiritual father and mentor) who taught me this principle of dying empty that “the greatest treasures of our world [are not the gold mines of Ghana or the ivory of the Ivory Coast;] it is not the diamond mines of South Africa or the oil fields of the Arabian nations but rather hidden potentials that are buried in the cemeteries.” In 2 kings 13:20-21 it accounts that, “Elisha died, and they buried him. Now the bands of the Moabites would invade the land in the spring of the year. As they were burying a man, behold, they saw a marauding band; and they cast the man into the grave of Elisha. And when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet.” Whenever I read this particular Scripture, I’m always challenged by the awesome grace, anointing and power that he (Elisha) ministered in. But then, yet again, feels unease as to why his anointing or the mental of Elijah, which was bestowed upon him in a double portion, was wasting away in a grave. Just like Paul had his Timothy and Moses his Joshua and even Elijah his Elisha, it seemed Elisha sadly couldn’t find anyone to pass on the legacy or to take his place. Therefore, he died with all that goodies; all that anointing still trapped within him, so much that dead folks were resuscitated upon contact. I therefore implore you not to die prematurely, but rather finished and empty. The greatest threat to your destiny is complacency—been satisfied with who and where you are now in life. Millions if not billions have buried their latent abilities, talents, gifts and skills in the cemetery of their last achievement and accomplishment. They have simply settled for less than their best. DON’T LET THAT BE YOU! Don’t you know that God didn’t create you to be normal; you were never meant to be average. As a matter of fact, “Average” is a cancer cell—a parasite pest in your garden of futility and fruitfulness. History is never made by whims and winos, but rather individuals who dared to challenge the status quo. Jehovah Shammah (the Lord who is there) has wired you for greatness. You can’t fail; it is not even an option. That is so because your future is neither ahead of you nor outside of you, but rather trapped within you. Avail your gifts, talents, skills and abilities to your generation and allow no one (not even yourself) to place limitations, boundaries and borders on your potentials. Don’t ever limit yourself, not even for a minuet second.
I’m still baffled by this notion. There are 7 billion plus people on this planet and none of them have your fingerprints (Selah). Out of a million sperms competing for superiority and a temporal habitation in your mother’s ovary, you were the only one to emerge victorious. David said he was the apple of God’s eye. In this situation however, I like to think of you as the sperm of God’s eye, because He specifically and purposely handpicked you among the plethora of genoms and genomes, to be a carrier of His blazing torch. You are made in the image and likeness of God. There are no duplicates to you. You are the original prototype, the first and last of your kind. Nobody in this universe has your genetic code. Your chromosome combination is so unique and distinct because it was extracted from Elohim and Adonai. And you want to be what? Normal! Don’t you get it? Why try so hard to be someone else? Why try to be a copy when you are an original. Why try to fit in when you were made to stand out. You are so valuable, priceless and irreplaceable. Don’t be defined by society or be measured by assumptions and false scales of mediocrity as to what you ought to be. Be ye not moved by what you see, hear or feel; be only moved by the word of God.
I plead with you DON’T DIE WITH MY STUFF! If you die without achieving your full potential you rob your generation of their ability. Many have robbed me—they’ve also robbed you. To die with ability is irresponsible. Run your race, finish your course, keep the faith and do the work for there awaits you a crown, which the Good Lord will bestow upon you. Get up young conquerer and reach beyond the stars. Yes, I said “BEYOND,” who told you the sky is the limit? Who told you “you are not good enough or smart enough?” Who told you “you’ll never amount to anything?” Forget what society is saying. Whose report are you going to believe? There is no such thing as a limit to your potentials or what you can do except the ones you place on yourself. Get up and just do it. Prove yourself—I dare you! Agent of change (Eternal Affairs) |
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